13 April 2008

The daily nausea and deadlines--I throw up less
often, love getting messages, tell me something
about hunger and sleep deprivation and recovering
from mysterious illnesses and the general malaise
of careful speech all day. What is an eggplant?
10 minutes. What is the correct response if you
don't know how you feel. I don't know how you
feel. Liar. Such as vibrant wanting to be loved
and independent, what to do with easy achievement.
I'm bored. Do a forward bend and do a forward bend.
Notice the obvious beauty of something in nature,
like a dragonfly! Inutile stamped on your forehead
--if the bureaucracy were your body, I guess the
nausea would be constant, my longing.

Or else, just tie me up so we can have really cliched rough sex against a wall and smash a light bulb.

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